Business Case Analysis

In the current Space market, for an initiative to be worthwhile, a business case analysis (BCA) is the fundamental starting point to make the outcome appealing and valuable for concrete exploitation. It is necessary to identify the
most appropriate use-case application and analyse the related added value and economic viability. To date, the possible applications strictly related to the exploitation of Inflatable Heat Shields in the Space sector (with a particular focus on LEO re-entry) appear to be: recovery and reuse of the launcher’s stages, recovery of ISS Cargo system and delivery of its payloads, and recovery of reusable satellites.

In line with some of the most used BCA guidelines, the task activities can be summarized as follows:

  1. Description of the state-of-the-art and technology context
  2. Identification of alternatives
  3. Definition of the decision-making criteria and any decision driver
  4. Definition (needs, mission/system requirements) and economic evaluation of the identified solution